Updated on: 7 May 2021, 22:39pm IST intermittent fast is all the rage when it comes to system of weights loss. So I gave it a hear to lose some kilogram and ended up heavier than I was ahead .
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possibly, this persistent experiment is besides what lands me and my health into disturb sometimes. Well, that ’ s what happened when I decided to give intermittent fasting a sample .

basically, it involves eating lone during a few hours of the day ( eating window ) and fasting for the rest of the hours ( fasting windowpane ). immediately, the fast window can range anywhere
from 12 to 16 to even 24 hours depending on the type of intermittent fast that you decide to try out .
besides, read : Considering taking up intermittent fast ? Take this quiz before you dive in
now, karwachauth is enough of a torture for me. therefore, obviously, I ruled out the 24-hour fast windowpane option american samoa soon as I got to know about it and settled for an 18-hour long fast window that started from 8:00 prime minister ( I finished my dinner by then ) till 2:00 p.m .
The adjacent day, I broke my fast with a huge glass of water, fruits, and cold coffee—taken at an interval of 30 minutes and followed by a hearty 400-calorie lunch, a light evening bite, along with a 400-calorie dinner later in the day .

Why did I decide to give this diet a try, you wonder?
If you ’ re a steadfast believer/follower of intermittent fast, pardon me for referring to it as a ‘ diet ’ rather of a ‘ life style ’. But, intermittent fasting went out of my life excessively quickly. It ’ s wholly not my style. Hence, for me, it remains a DIET that I tried and ended up regret .
anyhow, let ’ s get to the point, shall we ?
apart from satisfying my adventurous streak, the other reason why I decided to give intermittent fasting a try is that it ’ south nowadays bigger than ever on social media. In fact, respective health influencers are following it .

The many benefits that they claim intermittent fast has are even echoed by Dr. Namita Nadar, pass dietician, Fortis Hospital, Noida, who I got in touch with to understand why precisely intermittent fast backfired in my lawsuit .
“ many people have observed that intermittent fast has countless health benefits such as boosting energy, improving glucose homeostasis, increasing growth hormone ( GH ) production, reducing inflammation decreasing oxidative stress, lowering triglyceride ( TG ) levels and blood atmospheric pressure, increasing and protecting mind function, increasing resistance to age-related diseases like immune disorders, cancer, heart disease, stroke, center disease, Alzheimer ’ south and promoting longevity, ” she said .
From the system of weights loss point of position ( which was the very motivation in my font ), she explained that intermittent fast can promote weight unit personnel casualty and health while being an accessible and accomplishable diet for many people.

Intermittent Fasting
“ Some people may very like the fact that you get to eat a larger part of food at once during intermittent fast. This can leave one feeling more satiate. additionally, the fact that you can still eat the same count of daily calories and don ’ t have to take away or change the food you eat is besides something that makes this diet study for many. ”
So, did it deliver its promise to me?
I believe that interview was answered in the story ’ mho deed itself. But, merely to make things clearer, here ’ s what happened : I GAINED WEIGHT .
As if having to skip breakfast and dragging my inert self to work in the dawn on an evacuate abdomen wasn ’ t adequate of a distortion, it came with a heavy price of weight gain. That ’ s not it. The after-meal discomfort was no less of a trouble to deal with. You know what I mean, correct ?

What ’ s truly the point of a diet if you have to succumb to swallowing ajwain to feel well after eating your meals ?
besides, read : yoga practitioners have a different assume on intermittent fast. Read on
But, why did it backfire?
Nadar solved this mystery by citing the follow reasons for this diet turning into a calamity for me :
1. Interference in social aspects of eating: Eating is very a lot a social bodily process. When you think about it, all of our celebrations, milestones and especial occasions revolve around food. This new eating pattern does not match the usual eating style of most people. This is because of the cut clock time frame you have for consume. It can be unmanageable for you in social gatherings where everyone else is eating and sipping on beverages, making you awkwardly stand out from the crowd .

besides, listen :
2. Binge feasting: “ Some people may take the ‘ eating ’ periods as an opportunity to eat more calories than they truly need. When you ’ ra athirst, or you anticipate a period of fasting coming astir, it can be very tempting to go hog wild at the first view of food. If intermittent fast is being practiced to reduce thermal consumption, there is a prospect that the feast period spoils the hard ferment and disturbs the calorie deficit created by fasting, ” she points out .
I wouldn ’ metric ton deny preferring boastfully meals at once after long hours of feeling deprived. Must ’ ve lost cut of the calories somehow. But, what else can you expect from a hungry, deprived epicure, huh ?
3. Digestive problems: “ When we eat a big total of food in a curtly amount of time, the body needs more time to digest it. This can cause extra tension on your gastrointestinal nerve pathway, leading to indigestion and bloat, ” Nadar mentions, making the reason behind my post-meal discomfort crystal acquit .
4. Nutritional deficiencies: According to Nadar, intermittent fast can pose a serious risk of food deficiencies, electrolyte abnormalities, adenine well as richness and generative
issues in women.

Intermittent fasting
immediately, I did not commit it for long enough to know or claim if it actually affected me that hard, but I surely can vouch for the nutritional-deficiency claim. I did truly feel quite fatigued and unaccented, specially during the fast window. The corrode window went down the drain due to the post-meal lethargy, heaviness, and discomfort .
5. Slower metabolism: Apart from overeating, intermittent fast can slow down your metabolism. This is because when your body goes into starvation manner, it begins to use your muscle protein as a source of fuel and starts breaking down your muscles. In fact, a 24 hour long fast can lower your radical metabolic pace, ” Nadar warns and adds that it can have negative implications on your health in the long carry, specially if one is going through any underlying health conditions .
then, while intermittent fast can work wonders for certain people, it very didn ’ t cultivate for me .

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