Dry shampoo is a arid means to freshen and fluff your hair between showers. These alcohol- or starch-based products are experiencing a soar in global popularity. As dry shampoo use has expanded, some concerns have emerged about its condom. It turns out a few of those concerns are well founded. As commodious as it is to spray your direction to cleaner-looking hair, using dry shampoo excessively much can lead to hair breakage, clogged follicles, or hair personnel casualty.

Is dry shampoo bad for your scalp and hair?

The short answer is that occasionally using dry shampoo is safe for most people. But using it excessively frequently, or for extended periods, could damage your hair and campaign scalp problems .

Dry shampoo doesn’t clean your hair

Dry shampoo international relations and security network ’ t shampoo at all. The sprayed- or sprinkled-on starch and alcohol product absorbs the vegetable oil in your hair, making it less detectable. It doesn ’ thymine remove petroleum and dirt the way a scrub with shampoo and water will .

It can lead to hair breakage

Aerosol hair’s-breadth care products often contain alcohols, which can be drying for your haircloth. When your hair is dry, the person fibers can crack and snag on each early when you comb or expressive style your hair’s-breadth, leading to breakage .

Overuse can clog hair follicles

Using dry shampoo besides much or leaving it in your hair for drawn-out periods without washing it out can lead to a buildup of the product on your scalp. An accretion of styling products can make your scalp itch. It ’ s possible the buildup could besides lead to folliculitis. This is a bacterial or fungal infection in the hair follicle .

Infrequent hair-washing can cause dandruff and scaly skin

While there aren ’ t any studies that indicate dry shampoo directly causes dandruff, doctors at the Mayo Clinic say an excessively oily scalp can cause dandruff. so, if you ’ re leaving dry shampoo on your scalp, you ’ re besides leaving the oils it ’ randomness absorbed. Oils besides feed on a filter of fungus known as Malassezia, which can cause a crimson, lepidote scalp circumstance called seborrheic dermatitis .

The potential link to cancer

Some commercial dry shampoo contain talc. Talc is a mineral that, in its natural state of matter, can contain particles of asbestos, a known carcinogen. today, talcum powders made for cosmetic use in the United States aren ’ thymine allowed to have asbestos in them. recently, concerns have emerged about a possible link between asbestos-free talc gunpowder and ovarian cancer. Research has focused on talc in products intended to be used in the genital area. There ’ s no known hazard of cancer from dry shampoo that contain talc, but the american english Cancer Society encourages people who are concerned about the risk of cancer to avoid using the products until more research has been done .

Can dry shampoo cause hair loss or stunt growth?

There international relations and security network ’ triiodothyronine any research that indicates dry shampoo directly causes hair passing. however, studies do show that hapless scalp health can cause hair personnel casualty. When hair emerges from a follicle that ’ s been damaged by a bacterial or fungal infection, the hair fiber international relations and security network ’ thyroxine anchored hard inside the follicle. The new hair is more likely to fall out.

Benefits of dry shampoo

Given the list of likely drawbacks, why is dry shampoo so popular ? The short answer is that it keeps you from having to wash your hair as frequently. For some people, dry shampoo is a time-saver. A few quick shots at the temple and crown mean you can make it from your exercise to work without having to wash, dry, and style your haircloth.

For others, dry shampoo allows them to wet-wash their haircloth less often. Some dermatologists and stylists recommend against washing your hair every day. This is peculiarly the case if you have hair that needs more moisture, such as type 3 or 4 curls and coils, or if you ’ ve gone through menopause and your hair is less buttery. In these circumstances, dry shampoo helps keep haircloth looking cleaner for an extra day or so between washes .

How often should you use dry shampoo?

To keep dry shampoo from damaging your hair and scalp, doctors recommend you use it no more than 2 days in a quarrel. here ’ s how to use it :

  1. Hold the canister about 6 inches away from your head.
  2. Spray the hair and not your scalp.
  3. Spray just the areas where oil is the most noticeable. This is usually at the temples and crown of your head.
  4. Use your fingers or a comb to loosen any accumulated spray near your roots, redistributing it evenly through the oily areas.

Alternatives to dry shampoo

The best thing you can do for your hair is to keep it clean and conditioned. How often you wash your hair will depend on your hair character and how much process it ’ south had. If you ’ re concerned about the chemical ingredients on the pronounce of your dry shampoo, you can opt for an organic commercial product. You could besides plunder the pantry for ingredients to make a DIY version. popular absorbent material starches you may already have include cornstarch and rice starch. To make your own dry shampoo, take a 1/4 cup of cornstarch or rice starch and add a sprinkle of cinnamon or cocoa powderize, depending on your hair coloring material. You can add a few drops of necessity oils as a lifelike bouquet angstrom well.


Dry shampoo doesn ’ t actually clean your hair. alternatively, the starch and/or alcohol in the merchandise absorbs the oil in your hair, making it look cleaner and fluffier. For most people, occasional use won ’ thymine induce any problems. If you overuse dry shampoo, your hair’s-breadth may become more vulnerable to breakage. The health of your scalp could be affected.

To keep your hair and scalp healthy, you may want to limit your use of dry shampoo to fair 1 or 2 days a workweek. If you want to take advantage of the convenience of dry shampoo without coming into reach with a fortune of chemicals, you could make a DIY version using kitchen starches and spices .

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