Sydney, spectacularly draped around its glorious harbor and beaches, has ocular belly laugh factor like few other cities. Scratch the surface and it lone gets better .

On the Wild Side

National parks ring the city and penetrate right into its affection. large chunks of harbor are still bush-fringed, while parks cut their direction through skyscrapers and suburbs. consequently, native critters turn up in the most surprising places. Clouds of flying foxes pas overhead at twilight and spend the night rustling around in suburban libyan islamic fighting group trees ; oversized spiders impale out corners of lounge-room walls ; possums rattle over ceiling of terrace houses ; and sulphur-crested cockatoos squawk from the railings of urban balconies. At times Sydney ‘s concrete jungle seems more like an actual one – and does n’t that precisely make it all the more arouse ?

After Dark

After a faineant Saturday at the beach, polished Sydneysiders have a disco nap, hit the showers and head out again. There ‘s always a newfangled restaurant to try, clandestine legal profession to hunt down, hip band to check out, sports team to exclaim at, show to see or crazy party to attend. The city ‘s pretensions to glamour are well balanced by a casualness that means a cool T-shirt and a goodly pair of jeans will get you in most places. But if you want to dress up and show off, there ‘s plenty of opportunity for that among the sparkling harbor lights.

Making a Splash

Defined good equally much by its rugged Pacific coastline as its exquisite harbor, Sydney relies on its coastal context to replenish its reserves of charm ; venture besides far away from the water and the charm abruptly evaporates. Jump on a ferry and Sydney ‘s your huitre – the harbor prises the city ‘s two halves far enough apart to reveal an abundance of drop. On the coast, Australia ends abruptly in plain walls of sandstone punctuated by discharge of golden sand. In summer they ‘re covered with tan bodies making the most of a climate that encourages outdoor socialize, exercising, flirting and fun.

Reading: Sydney travel

Show Pony

Brash is the bible that inescapably gets bandied around when it comes to describing the Harbour City, and let ‘s face it, compared to its australian baby cities, Sydney is forte, uncompromising and in your face. Fireworks displays are more dazzle here, heels are higher, bodies more buffed, contact sports more brutal, starlets shinier, drag queens glitzier and prices higher. Australia ’ s best musos, foodies, actors, stockbrokers, models, writers and architects flock to the city to make their score, and the effect is dazzling : a hyperenergetic, ambitious, optimistic and unprincipled marketplace of the soul, where anything goes and everything normally does .

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